Daily Archives: November 3, 2010

Body Pump/Flow Class

Tonight, I went to a 7:15-8:15 class at the Y for a session of Body Pump/Flow. It was the first time the class was taught at the Y. We did a half hour of Body Pump and a half hour of Body Flow. I really liked it because it combined strength training and stretching/yoga. The Pump portion featured biceps, triceps, chest presses and lunges. I was kind of relieved that we didn’t do the squats, even though I really like them, they killed my legs on my first try at Body Pump. I didn’t need that this week with knowing I will be on my feet a lot at work this Friday.

After a rough day at the office, trust me, I needed some calming down from that yoga portion of the class. Being at the Y made my troubles all go away. 🙂 Love that exercise can do that!

I didn’t take too many pictures of my food today. Lunch was a Blueberry Chobani yogurt with protein granola, an Arnold’s Thin with hummus, soft cheese, hot sauce and then I topped it with cucumbers.


My morning snack was dried pineapple.


I ordered this to have a cheap sixth item on Alice.com. It was good, but I think the entire package had 31 g of sugar, which is a lot.

Speaking of Alice.com, I placed an order there last week and the package arrived yesterday. I love getting packages, even if I paid for it myself! I liked supporting Alice, because they’re a local business, based out of Madison, Wisconsin. I ordered eco friendly household items–laundry detergent, mint scented bathroom cleanser, dish soap and non-scented air freshener. I have an obsession with all things lavender, so the dish soap and detergent are lavender scented. You need six items for free shipping, so I ordered two smaller things too. A stain remover pen like Tide to Go, but this one is more natural and the dried pineapple. Do you use eco friendly household cleaners? Any recommendations? I purchased them for various reasons and tried out the bathroom cleaner already, which was nice.


Well, it’s late and I need some rest after a stressful day. Hoping tomorrow is better!