Life this past week

I never got around to blogging last week. It seemed that we had something going on every day after work or I was just utterly exhausted.

Here’s what I was up to from Monday to today.

I got a bunch of veggies from my brother. Check out his huge garden!

Dean in his garden!

Dean's garden

I picked up some stuff for my parents and I picked out some tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers and broccoli.

produce from Dean

I am still researching traveling in Europe and where my mom and I will go, which is exciting.

books on Europe

I’ve also been watching lots of these videos on YouTube and they are helping me remember the German language.

I had vegan pizza for the first time this week. It had tofu on it and obviously, no cheese. I really didn’t mind that the cheese was missing at all.

vegan pizza

We got to the new Orange Leaf near us. I wasn’t too thrilled with the two flavors I got and think I like Orange Leaf’s fruity flavors better than their chocolate/peanut butter ones.

orange leaf

It was my husband’s birthday on Thursday! He woke up to a card I made on Tiny Prints and doughnuts.


various july photos 010

We celebrated with cake later that night.

birthday cake

On Saturday, we hung out at my brother’s new pool.



We took a book from a Little Free Library. Now we have to find one to leave there.


We’ve been watching our cat Tanzi slowly destroy a brown paper bag. It’s been pretty hilarious seeing him fashion new ways of sleeping in the bag throughout the week.

Tanzi and destroyed bag


Today, we went to the Dark Knight Rises because some friends had free passes. It was sure action packed and a very long movie!

And as always, the weekend flew by. It didn’t help that I had to work late on Friday night. I am looking forward to a week in which I only have to work four days. Woo hoo!

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