Workout schedule for this week

Since I have been a major slacker with getting to the gym last week, here is my workout schedule to hold myself accountable. I’ll report back next Sunday evening on how I did. Do you plan out your workouts each week?

Monday: workout in AM, before work. Probably running the 3 miles I was supposed to run on Sunday; lifting weights.

Tuesday: Running 20-25 minutes for 10k training; biking; abs; free weights

Wednesday: Yoga at work; Zumba at gym after work (this is usually my rest day, but I need to make up for my slacker week)

Thursday: Yoga at gym; running 20-25 minutes for 10k training

Friday: Cybex elliptical; biking; full circuit of weights; abs

Saturday: rest day or maybe walking or biking outside for some leisure exercise

Sunday: Body Pump; running 4 miles for 10k training

Wish me luck!

4 responses to “Workout schedule for this week

  1. That looks like a great week of workouts, I love that it includes so much variety 🙂

    I know you can do it and I’m looking forward to reading about how it goes and what you like and don’t like! This week I’m going to take it easy since I raced yesterday but I do think I’ll try to organize my training a bit more in the coming months. You’ve inspired me! 🙂

  2. Good luck!! I always plan mine out, I just have a hard time sticking to the plan.

  3. pawsitivelife

    EEk your busy. I plan my workouts in my head..just like for the last week I planed to get up early every day and work out…didnt happen

  4. There you go! Get in the swing of things. I have caught another cold and am way off my training I want to do as I get fit for RAGBRAI 2012. New bike and gear, but have yet to use it to some extent. Where’s the warmer weather?! I will hold you accountable, if you hold me accountable. LOL

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